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Coffee connoisseur, coffee enthusiast or just not that into it yet? Here’s why Foreign Ground ticks all the boxes!


The Foreign Ground range is sourced from the world’s top coffee-producing countries and is never blended with any other country’s beans.

At Checkers, you’ll find the new 1kg bag of Foreign Ground Single Origin coffee beans, which offer amazing value for money and a pure regional flavour. Thanks to their distinct taste and luxurious aroma, every coffee drinker can enjoy premium coffee grounds, coffee capsules, beans and more.

The Coffee Connoisseur

Checkers’ new 1kg bag of Foreign Ground Single Origin coffee beans are the perfect choice for the coffee connoisseur. Retailing at R169.99, no other supermarket is offering this value for money. Their pure flavour, superior quality and exotic taste will meet the standards of every coffee purist and will taste exceptional when creating the latest experience; cold brew coffee.

The Coffee Enthusiast

With a delicious selection of coffee capsules, the coffee enthusiast is easily able to enjoy the best cuppa with minimal effort. Checkers’ new Foreign Ground coffee capsules are compatible with the exceptional Dolce Gusto Jovia coffee machine, which means every cup will be a premium one – in the comfort of your home.

The Average Joe

If you’re not too invested in the art of coffee and all you’re ever really after is a no-fuss hearty cup of joe, then Foreign Ground coffee grounds are the next and easy step for you. It only requires a few minutes and no real effort to create a bold cup with the Mila rose gold coffee plunger and coffee grounds, both available at Checkers.

Even more convenience

As an added extra, for the days when you don’t have the time to create the best cuppa at home, you can head to selected Checkers stores and enjoy great alternatives like the coffee combo deals at their Foreign Ground Cafes and ready-to-drink Landessa Ice Coffee.

Isn’t it time you tried the world’s finest coffees at supermarket prices?