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Cocaine found in the U.K.’s tap water

Coke is getting cheaper and cheaper in the U.K. while the use is just increasing. It’s estimate that there are aproximately 700, 000 users between the ages of 16 – 59 years dependent on coke yearly.

The drug is such a big ‘hit’ in Britain, it’s now boarding in the country’s drinking water.

Scientists were simply testing the country’s tap water to see how bad the effect of pharmaceuticals is on the water, when lo and behold, they found traces of the drug in metabolized form. (That means it’s been peed out by the drug users.)

The Drinking Water Inspectorate (first world privileges) also found trace amounts of ibuprofen, epilepsy medication and a high amount of caffeine in the water at the 4 test sites they visited.

Sue Pennison, DWI representative, pointed out that benzoyecgonine, cocaine’s metabolised form, is also an ingredient in a popular muscle-rub, which means that there’s no way to determine from which it came.

But this is no reason to panic about your daily water intake because you want to live a healthier lifestyle. After the purification process, there are only about 4 nanograms per litre, so there’s definitely no buzz waiting for you at the end of your glass.

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