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Cheese made from human armpit

This article was first seen here and written by the The Independant UK.

Some cheese, stinky feet and armpits really do share a common aroma at times and it’s no joke.

‘That’s exactly what American scientist Christina Agapakis and
Norwegian scent expert Sissel Tolaas have done as part of an exhibition
about synthetic biology in Dublin.

Together with chef Michael
Pollan, they took bacteria from curator Hans Ulrich Obrist’s nose, a
sample from Eliasson’s tears and dug out a culture from Pollan’s belly

They then made the cheese, 11 in total, which according to Agapakis actually smell and taste like the body odour of the donor.

told design magazine Dezeen: “It’s no surprise that sometimes cheese
odours and body odours are similar,” she explained. “But when we started
working together we were surprised by how not only do cheese and smelly
body parts like feet share similar odour molecules but also have
similar microbial populations.” ‘
Read more on the here.

Can you image it? I can’t believe that it is so easy to just make cheese. And from any old area on your body that carries bacteria – the mind boggles (eeeuw). 

The funny thing is that the cheese itself looks rather good and being a huge lover of the fromage, it still doesn’t turn me off.

I’d love to see the exhibition and find out more. The project is called ‘Selfmade’ and the exhibition is being held in the Science Gallery in Dublin, Ireland. A little far away, but if you’re in the area, is open until January 19th, 2014 and is called: Grow Your Own – Life After Nature.

How do you feel about it?
Please comment below to share your thoughts.

See this very interesting clip on Selfmade from Youtube.