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Bust bad breath – and the myths

to a survey commissioned by the British Dental Association, one in five people
say that oral odour is the most unattractive feature a person can have. Bad breath is bad. But worse, are
the common myths we believe surrounding it. Read on to discover more about a
subject that’s not often spoken about, yet so often amidst our conversations!


Myth 1: Only foods like garlic and onions
cause bad breath

Although certain foods, especially ones
like garlic and onions that contain pungent oils, can contribute to bad breath (because
their oils are carried to your lungs and out through your mouth), most of the
cause originates from accumulated bacterial plaques and food coating the back
of the tongue.


Myth 2: I can tell when I have bad breath

It’s a common
myth that it’s possible to smell one’s own breath by holding your hand over
your nose and mouth, yet it’s practically impossible to know how your breath
smells to others. There are two reasons for this.  First, your nose and
your mouth are not separate, but are connected by a passage way in the back of
your throat.  Second, your nose tends to filter out your own smells. If
you’re not bold enough to ask a friend for their opinion on your breath, rub a
cotton swab over the surface of your tongue at the back.  After waiting
for the sample to dry, smell it to get an idea of how your breath smells to


Myth 3: You can eliminate bad breath just by
brushing and flossing. 

seems like it might be true, but in many cases, people do not floss or brush
correctly.  Usually, people brush their teeth too fast, and leave food
particles or bacteria on tooth or tongue surfaces.  Many people ignore
brushing or scraping the tongue, so while brushing teeth can help, cleaning the
tongue can be even more effective in removing bad breath causes. 


Beat bad breath

brushing or flossing just aren’t viable options, trust the Fresh Breath Expert,
Clorets. Their range of long-lasting flavours with proven
odour masking ingredients, Actizol and Chlorophyll will instantly freshen your
breath so that you can still enjoy the foods you love and laugh the night away
– no matter how close your company is! That’s especially good news when you
consider what you could win…