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Bride gets horrifying poo cake for wedding celebration

This poor soon-to-be-bride was not entirely lavished with perfect smiles, rose petals and strawberry kisses at her engagement party.

When the sister of the bride decided to play favourite by ordering a 2nd engagement party cake, her plan seemed to backfire into a tremendous heap after a slight disagreement with baker Emma McDonald, the owner of ‘Oh Cakes’.

Despite the disagreement, McDonald still baked and delivered a cake that was ‘magnificently wrapped’ according bride, but when the veil was lifted, an excrement shaped (chocolate) cake, studded with corn and all, lay in waiting with a flag sticking out that read ‘Eat shit’.

After a moment of red faces and clasped mouths,  the party simply continued with a polite nod and grunt from the bride and her 100 guests.

Meanwhile, baker Emma Mcdonald, seems to be relishing in her newfound fame, following up on Facebook with pictures and posts of her ‘poo cake’.

“Nothing really negative that I’ve seen apart from a few who didn’t read and understand it properly. Seems to be popping up everywhere . . . business opportunities have been thrown my way as well.”

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