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Bistro 1800 is burning bills

Where: Bistro 1800 Restaurant, The Cape Royale Luxury Hotel and Spa

When: Every Friday and Saturday until the end of Winter

Contact: call 021 430 0506 or email.

Cost: FREE if you’re lucky, (normal prices apply if you do not have your bill burnt)

Bistro 1800 burning bills
The Cape Royale Luxury Hotel and Spa’s Bistro 1800 Restaurant fires things up with hot new promotions, offering complimentary meals for lucky patrons each month through till the end of winter 2014.
Bistro 1800’s renowned Singing Chef, Bevan Webb, will be upping the ante every Friday and Saturday, as he randomly selects one table each night whose full restaurant bill will be burnt at the table warranting a 100% discount.