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7 Food phobias that we thought were impossible

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ALSO READ:The 9-year old with a bizarre food phobia

Some are strange and some are undeniably just plain torture. I found 7 of the most unlikely food phobias and I say ‘unlikely’ because some of them I wish I had, and some I cannot ever imagine suffering from. 

So first up is a phobia that I’m hoping is super rare.

Xocolatophobia – The fear of chocolate

Say it isn’t so, imagine not being able to enjoy a chocolate bar.  In an article for Express magazine, TV Producer, Andrew Bullock said he knows for some people living without chocolate would be a nightmare, “For me, it’s the opposite. I can’t stand to even look at it, let alone put it in my mouth.” For most people suffering with the phobia, they don’t only dislike it, they actually fear it. Fear that it might get on their clothes. People with this fear can’t even stand seeing chocolate, let alone putting it in their mouths because they feel that touching chocolate will make them dirty.

Phagophobia – The fear of swallowing

So even if you managed to put that piece of chocolate in your mouth you will now experience anxiety when it comes to swallowing it. You could also experience a lump in your throat based on fears that you will eventually suffocate from having to swallow food.

Acerophobia -The fear of sourness or tasting things that are sour

Sour jelly beans, sour worms, lemon and lime…the list goes on, these are but a few of my favourite sour treats. I’m not too sure why I actually enjoy them but for some, sour foods are a source of fear – which leaves them short of breath and nauseated. Victims find themselves with a dry mouth and it even becomes difficult to articulate words or sentences. I’m sure it’s just better to avoid anything and all things sour!

 Lachanophobia – The fear of vegetables

I am pretty sure we all can claim to have suffered from this when we were kids. There was just something about peas and spinach I hated. If you’re struggling with getting your veggies in, try some of these recipes featuring disguised veggies, it just might help. 

Dipsophobia – The fear of drinking alcohol

Imagine not being able to consume alcohol, not even one very small glass of wine. Dipsophobia is described as an abnormal persistent fear of drinking alcohol. People who suffer from this phobia experience anxiety about developing an addiction to alcohol and also the effect that alocohol could potentially have on their bodies. I personally cannot imagine having this phobia, especially since I enjoy a glass of wine after a long day.

Mageirocophobia – The fear of cooking

I specifically find this easy to believe because when I started learning how to cook, I used to actually fear the process, I would fear that everything would go wrong or my food would taste horribly bad and I wouldn’t want to set foot behind the stove. So it makes sense as to why some people fear cooking. Sufferers are said to be overwhelmed with anxiety when it comes to cooking, they also worry about burning themselves, under-cooking food, preparing food with the wrong ingredients, or even making people sick with the food they’ve cooked. 

Cibophobia – The fear of eating

I think the worst phobia out there is the fear of eating and most times it is brought on by a bad eating experience like maybe choking whilst eating, or eating spoilt food and the person fears getting food poisoning. This phobia is so extreme that it is said people who suffer from this condition will only eat enough to sustain themselves and do not find pleasure in eating at all.

As I mentioned before, some of these phobias I cannot even begin to imagine living with but I still suffer from a mild case of Mageirocophobia, although I still cook as often as I can. Oh, and I am still not too keen on veggies. 

Which one of these phobias can you totally relate to?


Why your so-called ‘allergy’ is driving chefs nuts

If you’re allergic to a certain food, make sure you really are before turning your perfect evening into some poor chef’s nightmare! We all know that being vegan is rather à la mode these days but if you’re not highly allergic to eggs or another ingredient you don’t eat, please be thoughtful enough to inform your waiter when placing an order.