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5 ingenious burger hacks

Tucked between two toasted bun halves lies a juicy patty, char-grilled to perfection and topped with your favourite add ons – sounds good right?

Hamburgers are one of the most loved junk foods, should it be called junk food though? Perhaps we should consider what it consists of, it’s quite well balanced with protein, carbohydrates, salad and some calcium from the cheese. But hey, no one needs convincing when it comes to burgers. A hamburger is a good plate of food all in one, so get those buns between your hands and enjoy a good meal!

Instead of heading to your nearest burger joint, you could always make your own. If you’re a student and money is tight , well, just make a grilled hamburger in the comfort of your own “res” room or apartment, watch this video from POPSUGAR food (if you don’t have a waffle maker you can use a snackwich maker). Making your hamburger at home gives you a chance to experiment and add whatever your hungry heart desires or try one of our recipes!

Here are a few hacks/ideas you can try!

1. No burger buns? why not use waffles!?!

Dessert seem too far? or perhaps non-existent after you burger monstrosity – why not just put both together, add a touch of sweet to the savoury!

. Stuff your patty with cheese, you wont lose any cheese due to melting. Stuffing the patty gives room for more cheese than usual! (click on image to see how)

Tired of your burger falling apart, having the patty slide out the back just to end up with a bunless patty at the end? Watch this BuzzFeed video on how to properly hold your burger – what a great hack! Unfortunately you were doing it wrong this whole time.

Need to cut down on the carbs? Banting? Well, get hold of some lettuce – it adds some extra crunch too!