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3rd British man dies from #Neknomination

The deadly game continues.

With 3 suspected deaths from the #NekNomination craze in Britain alone, you would think that people would be a little more hesitant to down 2 pints of gin, or a bottle of vodka?

Not so. The #neknominations continue to appear on Facebook and Twitter feeds. Most of them are seemingly tame with a person downing a bottle or pint of beer usually followed by a shooter and forwarding the challenge.

Unfortunately the one-upmanship factor has lead to some downright stupid neknominations resulting in serious illness and death.

British salesman Bradley Eames is the latest in suspected deaths resulting from the deadly game.

He filmed himself downing 2 pints of gin (stopping halfway through the first one to gag) and later posted on his social media streams complaining of an upset stomach. Four days later he was dead.

It is estimated he drank almost 30 shots of the strong alcohol in the two-minute video, before challenging friends to outdo him.

Read the full article with tweets and pictures here.

Article source: The Daily Mail