Wafer-thin crêpes

18 servings
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By Food24 November 03 2009
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Ingredients (6)

125.00 g flour — cake
salt — pinch
30.00 ml sugar
3.00 eggs
250.00 ml milk
30.00 ml oil
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1. Sift the flour, salt and sugar (if using) into a mixing bowl, and make a well in the centre. Crack the eggs into the well and whisk them until they are thoroughly mixed.
2. Add half the milk and all the oil in a steady stream and whisk, gradually drawing in the flour to make a smooth paste. If the liquid is added too hastily at this point, the batter will become lumpy.
3. Add remaining milk until the batter reaches the desired consistency. Leave to stand for at least 20 minutes.
4. Rub oil or clarified butter on to a pan using absorbent paper. Heat the pan and add a few drops of batter to test the temperature. Once it sizzles rapidly, the pan is ready to use.
5. Stir the batter well. Pour in a small ladleful of batter, rapidly rotating the pan to coat the base completely. Pour off the excess batter and trim the edge of the crêpe. If you put in too much batter, the crêpe will be too thick; if you don’t pour in enough, it will have holes.
6. Fry crêpe rapidly over medium heat until set on top and brown underneath. Loosen the edges with a spatula and turn over with both hands.
7. Cook for a further minute on the second side. Pile the cooked crêpes on a plate, one on top of the other and cover to keep moist.
The first couple of crêpes in a batch are never perfect and can be discarded if necessary.
The side of the crêpe that is fried first looks more attractive and should be on the outside for serving.
Make use of leftover turkey or gammon in savoury crêpe fillings prepared with a béchamel sauce and grated cheese.
Roll crêpe around macerated fruit, sprinkle with sugar, grill to caramelise and serve with ice cream.
Fold into triangles or ‘pannequets’, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve with fresh fruit.

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